All aboard the work-winning tech revolution

The current model of winning work through bids and proposals is broken. Highly inefficient, repetitive and labour-intensive processes, coupled with information being held in different systems and formats are often at the heart of the issue. Added to that, the lack of robust internal governance and process around which opportunities to pursue, mean companies are […]
Can you really eradicate greenwashing? Optimum debates with Stephen Ashcroft.

During September 2023, Paul sat down with Stephen Ashcroft to debate Greenwashing and the steps that businesses need to take to eradicate it. What is Greenwashing? Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing or public relations strategy used by businesses to make their services appear more environmentally friendly and sustainable than they actually are. What is Optimums […]
Carbon Literacy Project – Paul achieves accreditation

At the end of 2022, Paul became the first Optimum employee to complete The Carbon Literacy Project accreditation. Optimum have committed that all employees and key associates gain accreditation as part of our ESG objectives. Scotland has set a target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. To achieve this target, communities, businesses and organisations […]